NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::classicalElectronRadius = 2.8179403227e-15 |
\(r_e \ (m)\) Classical electron radius in meters.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronChargeToMass = -1.758820024e11 |
\(\frac{-e}{m_e} \ (\frac{C}{kg})\) Electron charge to mass quotient in coulombs per kilogram.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronDeuteronMagneticMomentRatio = -2143.923499 |
\(\frac{\mu_e}{\mu_D} \ (1)\) Electron-deuteron magnetic moment ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronDeuteronMassRatio = 2.724437107484e-4 |
\(\frac{m_e}{m_D} \ (1)\) Electron-deuteron mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electrongFactor = -2.00231930436182 |
\(g_e \ (1)\) Electron g factor.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronGyromagneticRatio = 1.760859644e11 |
\(\gamma_e \ (\frac{rad\ Hz}{T})\) Electron gyromagnetic ratio in hertz per tesla. Note that the units of radians are added for clarity.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronGyromagneticRatioOver2pi = 28024.95164 |
\(\frac{\gamma_e}{2\pi} \ (\frac{rad\ MHz}{T})\) Electron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi in megahertz per tesla. Note that the units of radians are added for clarity.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronHelionMassRatio = 1.819543074854e-4 |
\(\frac{m_e}{m_{^3\textrm{He}}} \ (1)\) Electron-helion mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMagneticMoment = -928.4764620e-26 |
\(\mu_e \ (\frac{J}{T})\) Electron magnetic moment in joules per tesla.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMagneticMomentAnomaly = 1.15965218091e-3 |
\(a_e \ (1)\) Electron magnetic moment anomaly.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio = -1.00115965218091 |
\(\frac{\mu_e}{\mu_B} \ (1)\) Electron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio = -1838.28197234 |
\(\frac{\mu_e}{\mu_N} \ (1)\) Electron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMass = 9.10938356e-31 |
\(m_e \ (kg)\) Electron mass in kilograms.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMassInJPercSquared = 8.18710565e-14 |
\(m_e \ (\frac{J}{c^2})\) Electron mass in joules per speed of light squared.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMassInMeVPercSquared = 0.5109989461 |
\(m_e \ (\frac{MeV}{c^2})\) Electron mass in megaelectron volts per speed of light squared.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMassInu = 5.48579909070e-4 |
\(m_e \ (u)\) Electron mass in unified atomic mass units.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMolarMass = 5.48579909070e-7 |
\(M_e \ (\frac{kg}{mol})\) Electron molar mass in kilograms per mole.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMuonMagneticMomentRatio = 206.7669880 |
\(\frac{\mu_e}{\mu_\mu} \ (1)\) Electron-muon magnetic moment ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronMuonMassRatio = 4.83633170e-3 |
\(\frac{m_e}{m_\mu} \ (1)\) Electron-muon mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronNeutronMagneticMomentRatio = 960.92050 |
\(\frac{\mu_e}{\mu_n} \ (1)\) Electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronNeutronMassRatio = 5.4386734428e-4 |
\(\frac{m_e}{m_n} \ (1)\) Electron-neutron mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronProtonMagneticMomentRatio = -658.2106866 |
\(\frac{\mu_e}{\mu_p} \ (1)\) Electron-proton magnetic moment ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronProtonMassRatio = 5.44617021352e-4 |
\(\frac{m_e}{m_p} \ (1)\) Electron-proton mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronTauMassRatio = 2.87592e-4 |
\(\frac{m_e}{m_\tau} \ (1)\) Electron-tau mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronToAlphaParticleMassRatio = 1.370933554798e-4 |
\(\frac{m_e}{m_\alpha} \ (1)\) Electron to alpha particle mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronToShieldedHelionMagneticMomentRatio = 864.058257 |
\(\frac{\mu_e}{\mu'_{^3\textrm{He}}} \ (1)\) Electron to shielded helion magnetic moment ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronToShieldedProtonMagneticMomentRatio = -658.2275971 |
\(\frac{\mu_e}{\mu'_p} \ (1)\) Electron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::electronTritonMassRatio = 1.819200062203e-4 |
\(\frac{m_e}{m_\textrm{T}} \ (1)\) Electron-triton mass ratio.