NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonChargeToMassQuotient = 9.578833226e7 |
\(\frac{e}{m_p} \ (\frac{C}{kg})\) Proton charge to mass quotient in coulombs per kilogram.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonComptonWavelength = 1.32140985396e-15 |
\(\lambda_{C,p} \ (m)\) Proton Compton wavelength in meters.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonComptonWavelengthOver2Pi = 0.210308910109e-15 |
\(\frac{\lambda_{C,p}}{2\pi}\ (m)\) Proton Compton wavelength over 2 pi in meters.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonElectronMassRatio = 1836.15267389 |
\(\frac{m_p}{m_e} \ (1)\) Proton-electron mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protongFactor = 5.585694702 |
\(g_p \ (1)\) Proton g factor.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonGyromagneticRatio = 2.675221900e8 |
\(\gamma_p \ (\frac{rad\ Hz}{T})\) Proton gyromagnetic ratio in radian hertz per tesla. Note that the units of radians are added for clarity.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonGyromagneticRatioOver2pi = 42.57747892 |
\(\frac{\gamma_p}{2\pi} \ (\frac{rad\ MHz}{T})\) Proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi in radian megaahertz per tesla. Note that the units of radians are added for clarity.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMagneticMoment = 1.4106067873e-26 |
\(\mu_p \ (\frac{J}{T})\) Proton magnetic moment in joules per tesla.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio = 1.5210322053e-3 |
\(\frac{\mu_p}{\mu_B} \ (1)\) Proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio = 2.7928473508 |
\(\frac{\mu_p}{\mu_N} \ (1)\) Proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMagneticShieldingCorrection = 25.691e-6 |
\(\sigma'_p \ (1)\) Proton magnetic shielding correction.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMass = 1.672621898e-27 |
\(m_p \ (kg)\) Proton mass in kilograms.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMassInJPercSquared = 1.503277593e-10 |
\(m_p \ (\frac{J}{c^2})\) Proton mass in joules per speed of light squared.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMassInMeVPercSquared = 938.2720813 |
\(m_p \ (\frac{MeV}{c^2})\) Proton mass in megaelectron volts per speed of light squared.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMassInu = 1.007276466879 |
\(m_p \ (u)\) Proton mass in unified atomic mass unit.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMolarMass = 1.007276466879e-3 |
\(M_p \ (\frac{kg}{mol})\) Proton molar mass in kilograms per mole.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonMuonMassRatio = 8.88024338 |
\(\frac{m_p}{m_\mu} \ (1)\) Proton-muon mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonNeutronMagneticMomentRatio = -1.45989805 |
\(\frac{\mu_p}{\mu_n} \ (1)\) Proton-neutron magnetic moment ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonNeutronMassRatio = 0.99862347844 |
\(\frac{m_p}{m_n} \ (1)\) Proton-neutron mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonrmsChargeRadius = 0.8751e-15 |
\(r_p \ (m)\) Proton rms charge radius in meters.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::protonTauMassRatio = 0.528063 |
\(\frac{m_p}{m_\tau} \ (1)\) Proton-tau mass ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::shieldedProtonGyromagneticRatio = 2.675153171e8 |
\(\gamma'_p \ (\frac{rad\ Hz}{T})\) Shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio in radian hertz per tesla. Note that the units of radians are added for clarity.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::shieldedProtonGyromagneticRatioOver2Pi = 42.57638507 |
\(\frac{\gamma'_p}{2 \pi} \ (\frac{rad\ MHz}{T})\) Shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi in radian megaahertz per tesla. Note that the units of radians are added for clarity.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::shieldedProtonMagneticMoment = 1.410570547e-26 |
\(\mu'_p \ (\frac{J}{T})\) Shielded proton magnetic moment in joules per tesla.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::shieldedProtonMagneticMomentToBohrMagnetonRatio = 1.520993128e-3 |
\(\frac{\mu'_p}{\mu_B} \ (1)\) Shielded proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio.
NISTCONST_CONSTANT NISTConst::shieldedProtonMagneticMomentToNuclearMagnetonRatio = 2.792775600 |
\(\frac{\mu'_p}{\mu_N} \ (1)\) Shielded proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio.